Knowledge Base

Each IAC™ Insurer is a part of an IAC Cube™, a life assurance, traditional lines and financial guaranty trio of specialty insurers operating under the Investors Guaranty Fund, Ltd. (Policyholder Reserves) Act, 1991 (the "IGF Act").

Each operates under The IGF System™ Protocol, a governance protocol designed in conjunction with the IGF Act to enable digital operations of each IAC™ Insurer, as a Digital Infrastructure Utility ("DIU") operating within Bermuda. Global participants may only interconnect through a series of regulated pathways under state-of-the-art nodal mesh networks designed for communication, transacting, persistence, and term of contract+ archiving.

Each IAC™ Insurer is maintained and operated within a discrete quantum component architecture which may only undertake specific permitted activities of an IAC™ Insurer for which it's Board of Directors approves and for which it has been licensed, its use and configuration certified and its IAC™ Marketplace participants accredited.

Policy Forms

IAC™ Insurers operate on four standard policy forms.

Press Images Below For A More Detailed View of Each Policy Type